Site Map

Site map

  1. Home
  2. Search
  3. About Us
    1. Principal's Desk
    2. History of College
    3. Office of the College
    4. Mission and Vision
  4. Administration
    1. Principals & Officer-in-Charge
    2. Governing Body
    3. Administrative Committees
      1. GeM Committee
    4. State Public Information Officer
    5. Certification and Recognition
    6. Non Teaching Staff
  5. Site Map
  6. Academics
    1. Departments & Faculties
      1. Department of Bengali
      2. Department of English
      3. Department of Sanskrit
        1. Sanskrit Online Classes & Resources
      4. Department of History
      5. Department of Philosophy
        1. Philosophy Online Classes & Resources
      6. Department of Zoology
        1. Zoology Online Classes & Resources
      7. Department of Chemistry
        1. Chemistry Online Classes & Resources
      8. Department of Botany
        1. Botany Online Classes & Resources
    2. Courses Offered
      1. Arts Departments
      2. Science Departments
    3. Academic Calendar
    4. Holiday List
    5. Syllabus
    6. Academic Collaboration
    7. Academic Resources
    8. Academic Committees
  7. Admission
    1. Online Admission
    2. Important Dates of Admission
    3. Prospectus
    4. Admission Procedure
      1. Candidate Interface Manual
    5. Eligibility for Admission
    6. Fees Structure
    7. Documents Required
    8. Subject Combination
    9. Intake Capacity
    10. Affidavits and Declaration
    11. Admission Guidelines
  8. Students Zone
    1. Result
    2. Examinations
    3. Award and Prizes
    4. Scholarships
    5. Grievance Cell
    6. Anti-Ragging Squad
    7. College Canteen
    8. Career Counseling
    9. Student Union
    10. General Rules and Regulations
  9. Facilities
  10. News
  11. Activities
    1. Foundation Day
    2. Annual Prize Distribution
    3. NSS
    4. NCC
    5. Sports
    6. Festivals
    7. Cultural Activities
    8. Photo Galleries
    9. Seminars and Workshops
    10. Publications
  12. Tender Notice
  13. I.Q.A.C
    1. About I.Q.A.C
    2. Committee
    3. AQAR Report
    4. NAAC
  14. Contact Us
  15. NIRF
    1. NIRF 2024
    2. NIRF 2023
    3. NIRF 2025
  16. NSOU
    1. NSOU Courses Offered
    2. NSOU Academic Calendar
    3. NSOU Syllabus
  17. Tender Section
  18. Online Portal
  19. Library
    1. About Library
    2. Facilities
    3. Our Team
    4. Web OPAC
    5. Digital Library
    6. Departmental Libraries
    7. E-Resources
      1. Subscription
      2. OER
    8. Library Notice
    9. Download forms
  20. Feedback

News and Announcements

  1. Online Applications for Admission to UG courses/programmes under NEP 2020 for the academic session 2024–2025 in Standalone Mode
  2. Add-on Course in Communicative English (18.10.2024-18.12.2024)
  3. Admission Notice for Academic Session UG 2024-2025 (Phase-III)
  4. Physical Verification of Documents (Admission 2024-25) Schedule : Phase-II (2nd)
  5. Regular classes of semester-I of academic session 2024-25
  6. Physical Verification of Documents (Admission 2024-25) Schedule
  7. Student List for Physical Verification of Documents (Admission 2024-25)
  8. Physical Verification of Documents for New Admission 2024-2025
  9. B.Sc. Semester-IV Botany (General) Practical Examination, Paper: DC 10:A4/GE4, Held on 27th July-2024
  10. Celebration of "Banamahatsav 2024"
  11. B.Sc. Semester-IV Botany (General) Internal Assessment July-2024
  12. Centralised Online Admission to undergraduate courses for the session 2024-25
  13. Notice for 2nd Semester students as the MDC for the Academic Year 2023-24
  14. Students' Week Celebration 2024
  15. Botany Internal Examination Notice
  16. Notice For Online Class Semester II & Semester Iv
  17. Admission Notice for Academic Session 2023-2024
  18. Report of adopting of unfair means during examination (UG 3rd Semester Examinations-2022) [2nd Call]
  19. Report of adopting of unfair means during examination (UG 1st Semester Examinations-2022)
  20. Notice regarding practical examination Semester III
  21. Examination center list for UG Semester V (Honours and General) Examinations 2022
  22. Provisional Schedule for UG Semester V (Honours and General) Examinations 2022 (1)
  24. Notice for Annual Sports 2022
  25. Notice for Mock TET
  26. Walk in Interview
  27. Awareness Programme on Agniveer
  28. Notice For All Students & Ex Students
  29. Notice for Newly Admitted Students (2022-23)
  30. 101/N/2022
  31. Important Notice For Examination
  32. Important Notice for Offline Classes of B.A / B.Sc Students
  33. Zoology practical exam postponed notice
  34. Semester IV Chemistry Practical Examination Postponed Notice
  36. Semester IV Chemistry Practical Examination Notice
  37. Semester IV Botany Practical Examination Notice
  38. Provisional Schedule for Semester II
  39. Important Notice for Upcoming University Examination of B.A / B.Sc Semester IV and VI Students ( 51/N/2022 )
  40. 40/N/2022
  41. 41/N/2022
  42. 44/N/2022
  43. Notice 34/N/2022
  44. Notice for offline class
  45. Notice regarding Inviting Quotations
  46. Notice regarding re-open the Registration Portal
  47. Notice regarding Internal Assessment and Tutorial Examination Routine 2022 ( Department of Sanskrit )
  48. Notice regarding Re-opening of portal for Online Registrations for the Academic Session 2021-2022 to all the 1st Semester students
  49. Notice regarding Extension of dates of Online Registrations for the Academic Session 2021-2022 to all the 1st Semester students
  51. Notice regarding Commencement of Online Registrations for the Academic Session 2021-2022 to all the 1st Semester students
  52. Notice regarding submission of Anti-ragging affidavit (1st Semester)
  53. Notice No 70
  56. Publication of College Magazine
  57. Notice For Identity Card
  58. Notice regarding Orientation Programme
  59. Notice regarding submission of Anti-ragging affidavit
  60. Notice regarding schedule of offline classes
  61. 3rd Phase Admission Notice for Semester I Session 2021-22
  62. Vaccination Camp
  63. New Admission Notice
  64. Notice 67
  65. Admission payment date opened for Session 2021-2022
  66. Revised Schedule of the 4th Semester Examination 2021
  67. Notice for postponed of 4th Semester Examination untill further order
  68. Semester II General Examination Schedule
  69. Semester II Honours Examination Schedule
  70. II Semester Examination Notice
  71. Semester II Examination Notice
  72. Departmental E-Mail Details
  73. 4th Semester Examination Schedule
  74. Semester-II Examination Notice
  75. Admission Reschedule
  76. 2nd Semester Exam Notice
  77. 2nd Semester Examination Routine under CBCS
  79. UG Semester II Examination Notice
  80. UG 4th Semester Examination Notice
  81. Notice for Part I & Part II Examination 2021
  82. Schedule of Part I & Part II examination 2021.
  83. Notice for Part-I & Part-II (Honours & General) Examinations
  84. Information related to UG Part I & Part II (Honours and General) Examinations 2021
  85. Part-I & Part-II Examination Notice
  86. Admission Notice for session 2021-2022
  87. 3rd Year Examination Notice
  88. Provisional Schedule for UG Part III
  89. Post Matric Scholarship
  90. Result Sheet of B.A. /B.Sc 1st Semester Examination (Honours /General)
  91. Result Sheet of B.A. /B.Sc 1st Semester Examination (Honours /General)
  92. Result Sheet of B.A. /B.Sc 3rd Semester Examination (Honours /General)
  93. Meeting Resolution cum Notice 22/5/21
  94. Notice
  95. Notice No 40/N/21
  96. Notice Dated : 04-03-2021, online registration for the UG Semester-I(UG Courses)
  97. Notice Dated : 02-03-2021
  98. Notice Dated : 02-03-2021, B.A./B.Sc/B.Com./B.C.A. Honours Semester-III Examinations-2021
  99. Notice for Admission (Part II, Part III & Semester III)
  100. Notice regarding Girls Students (kanyashree) of B. A. / B.Sc. 1st Semester 2020-21 Session
  101. Notice (Memo No. 19/N/21)
  102. Notice regarding Online Registration for the session 2020-21
  103. Notice for girls students for B.A. / B.Sc. (1st. Sem) for Kanyashree Scheme
  104. Notice on Second Semester (Honors & General) Internal and tutorial exam
  105. Notice for B.A. / B. Sc (Hons & General) First Semester online classes
  106. Regarding verification of documents
  107. Notice for Re-assessment or Scrutiny for UG Semester I (Honours and General) Examinations 2019 (Under CBCS System)
  108. Notice for UG Semester II (Honours and General) Examinations 2020 (Under CBCS System)
  109. PG Admission Notice
  110. Notice for Part-III (Honours /General) Mark sheet Distribution
  111. Urgent notice for Newly admitted B.A. / B.Sc. 1st Semester Students
  112. Notification for opening of online portal for students registration for upcoming UG & PG Exam 2020
  113. UP-PG help lines
  114. Notice regarding Provisional Schedule for Part-III Examination 2020
  115. Draft Schedule for UG Examinations 2020
  116. Notice for Part-III (Honours / General) students
  117. Notice regarding Publication of Subsequent Merit List of Semester
  118. Notice regarding Application for Scholarship for the Disabled Students
  120. Notice for Part-III (Honours/General) students
  121. Notice for New applicants Candidates
  122. Urgent notice for B.A. /B.Sc. Part- I, II, & III (Regular and Casual Students)
  123. Reassessment Results sheet for UG Part-I (Honours) Examination 2019
  124. Reassessment Results sheet for UG Part-I (General) Examination 2019
  125. Reassessment Result sheet for UG Part-II (Honours) Examination 2019
  126. reassessment result sheet for UG Part-II ( General) Examination 2019
  127. Notice to all candidates that the Form Fill Up for online admission in B.A./B.Sc. for the session 2020-21 in S.B.S. Government College, Hili under University of Gour Banga, Malda will be started on 10-08-2020. (Memo No. 02/N/C/20)
  128. Urgent Notice for B.A. / B.Sc. 3rd Year Student
  129. Notice regarding Tentative date for upcoming University Examination
  130. Notice regarding Online Classes.
  131. 32-N-2020
  132. Notice regarding Admission of (Part- II & Part-III) Honours / General Courses.
  133. Invitation for international Special lecture on Folkore on 15/02/2020
  134. Notice Regarding distributing of identity card.
  137. Notice regarding Library Books Return
  138. Notice regarding procedure of Form submission & Admit Card Download by the Candidate of Semester-I
  139. 1st Semester Examination Notice
  140. Notice for Environmental Studies project
  141. Notice for SVMCM
  142. Extension of Online UG CBCS Registration
  143. Extended dates of Reassessment form fill-up
  144. 1st Semester Registration Notice 2019
  145. 1st semester Registration Notice 2019
  146. Extra classes during Puja Vacations.
  147. Reassessment notice for Part-III ( Three Year General) Examination , 2019
  148. Provisional Result for B.A. Part-III (Three Year General) Examination, 2019
  149. 3rd phase online Admission
  150. 115-N-19
  151. 116-N-19
  152. 117-N-19
  153. 1st unit test for internal marks.
  154. Notice No.105/N/19
  155. Notice No.105/N/19
  156. Notice No.102/N/19
  157. Programme schedule & cenrtre of UG Part-I & Part-II (Honours & General) Examinations 2019
  158. Notice for Part-I & Part- II (Honours & General) Examination .
  159. Notice for Part-I & Part-II tentative examination schedule
  160. Notice for Reassessment
  161. 2nd Phase of Online Admission Started on 15th July 2019
  162. 2nd Phase Online Admission Notice
  163. General Notice No.86
  164. General Notice No.87
  165. Notice for 1st semester students original documents verify.
  166. Notice for orientation Programme
  167. Rules of Change of Courses
  168. Merit list & Anti ragging related notice
  169. Online defective application related notice
  170. Notice for admission cancellation/ withdrawal and refund of fees
  171. Submit corresponding departmental profile
  172. 1st semester Registration Notice 2019
  173. Notice for Extra classes during Puja Vacations.

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